Beta 2.0
- You will need a VRML 2.0 browser.
And Netscape 3.0. to view this.
- Wait for the browser and the VRML file to load before pressing Go.
- Change any variable(s) above or take the default values, then press the
Go button.
- Use your browser's Reload function to clear the screen and start again,
or change parameters and press GO again to superimpose a new set of iterations
(watch that poly count)
- Use the right mouse button to check out other viewpoints of the new shape.
- Click on the purple tetrahedron to start music by Man With
No Name from Neil Redding's
CD collection. But music is disabled for now!
A B O U T   T E T R A H E D O N I S M
Concept and algorithm by Frank Revi
inspired by Buckminster Fuller, Brian Eno, Karl Sims, and Dinah the Cat.
Java & VRML2 hacking by Karen Marcelo
inspired by God only knows what....but She's Good Enough, Smart Enough, and Dog Gone-it,
she can use a drill press!